▲ 迹.建筑事务所(TAO) 迹.建筑事务所(TAO),由建筑师华黎于2009年在北京创立,是当今中国建筑领域最活跃的设计团队之一。 TAO (Trace Architecture Office), one of the most active and influential architectural firms in China’s contemporary architecture field, was founded by architect HUA Li In 2009, and is based in Beijing. 2021年,TAO受先锋书店邀请,为其设计在怒江州境内的三座新店,而这也开启了TAO与先锋的第三次合作。本项目所在的泸水市,位于怒江南部,是怒江州的州府。整个城市被碧罗雪山与高黎贡山所怀抱,是怒江峡谷纵流而下的南大门,也是先锋在怒江逆流而上的第一站。 In 2021, TAO was invited by Librairie Avant-Garde to design three new stores in Nujiang Prefecture, marking the third collaboration. The site is in Lushui, the prefecture's capital city, situated in the southern part of Nujiang. Embraced by the Biluo and Gaoligong Moun