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◤3X3 x AURORA◢ 09.15 中秋巨献|「AFTERLIFE」精致的声学身份 - Coeus!

3X3 BAR  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 21:00


Coeus,这位电⼦⾳乐界的新星,即将开启中国巡演,带来他标志性的深邃旋律和复杂⾳效。 本次巡演将横跨著名地下俱乐部和⼤型⾳乐节舞台,为观众呈现震撼的视听体验。 ←  Swipe left for English Coeus, a rising star in the electronic music world, is about to start a tour in China, bringing his signature deep melodies and complex sound effects. This tour will span famous underground clubs and large-scale music festival stages, presenting a shocking audio-visual experience to the audience. 塞尔维亚出生的艺术家 Coeus 无疑是电子音乐界最令人期待的人才之一。 通过在全球一些最知名的数字唱片公司发行作品,他的名气以指数级增长,他继续凭借其原始而清晰的声音特征取得长足进步。 ←  Swipe left for English Serbian born artist Coeus is undoubtedly one of electronic music’s most exciting prospects. Rising in notoriety at an exponential rate through rele ………………………………

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