专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-07-21 12:39


人生就像 一次长途旅行, 在这场旅行中, 我们会遇到 很多人和事, 会遇到美丽的风景。 会遇到很多想要 或者不想要的东西, 譬如鲜花和掌声, 譬如沮丧抑郁和绝望。   贪心的人总想把 所有的东西都据为己有, 从不会想到东西太多, 自己是否能拿得动。   豁达的人总是选择 自己最需要的东西, 简单快乐才是幸福人生。   --- 加措活佛 The road of reincarnation is not always smooth with blossom flowers. Frequently there will be events that which cause us to be disappointed and unfulfilled. Adversity is inevitable on the road of growth; there is no need to look at circumstances as being awful. We must bravely accept adversities and overcome difficulties. When the hard times are over, we will savor the true meaning of life, our lives will more glorious day by day. We can never become Buddha by practicing Buddhism in an easy life, and we should be grateful for those creature ………………………………

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