专栏名称: 英文精读写作
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英文精读写作  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-16 10:33
在本专栏中,我会从英文外刊中选取一些适合参考和背诵的句子或段落,讲解其中的结构和用法。这一篇讲几个特殊的定语从句结构。1 Through agro-biodiversity, we have obtained the immense variety of crops and livestock on which people depend.通过农业生物多样性,我们获得了人们赖以生存的各种作物和牲畜。on which people depend的原形是which people depend on。当定语从句的谓语动词是“动词+介词"时,往往可以把介词提前到which/whom前面。(注意,介词提前时,关系词不能是that:on that people depend)在表示某人所依赖的某事时,就可以用到这个结构:n on which sb depend/rely。还可以在depend/rely后面加上for sth,表示目的,来源于短语depend/rely on sth for sth依靠某事来获得/实现某事。以全球变暖的危害造个句:By altering the environment on land and at sea, global warming undermines the ecosystems on which wildlife ………………………………

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