点击上方“蓝字”关注我们 译者 | 江至柔 中国政法大学研究生 审稿 | 左亦惟 中南财经政法大学本科生 郝林桦 西南政法大学本科生 编辑 | 陈珏雯 西南政法大学本科生 郑梓萱 澳门科技大学LL.B 责编 | 林靖珊 中国政法大学研究生 Mutually Assured Democracy: Cooperating Under the Compact Clause to Combat Partisan Gerrymandering 相互保证的民主根据契约条款合作打击党派选区划分 Samuel P. Leroy 1 摘要 Partisan gerrymandering distorts voter preferences and undermines electoral competitiveness. Independent redistricting commissions and state constitutional litigation have curtailed partisan gerrymandering, but those reforms have proved un- stable and insufficient. Single-state redistricting reform has stalled because legislators and voters alike face diminishing incentives to reallocate power to their state’s minority party as partisan polarization increases. Gerrym