专栏名称: 设计诗designer
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c.dd | 山水之间,喧嚣之外

设计诗designer  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-07 08:08


▲ c.dd 项目位于广东·佛山城市中心1500亩生态活水湖·绿岛湖畔,c.dd有限無界以「有限·无界」的精神,秉承对生活真谛的深刻洞察,以设计为源点,用柔软的触笔,构筑一方生生不息的空间。于平和中将自然融和,在物理功能之上与精神契合,升华极致的居住体验,每一次归家都是一场心灵的洗涤与升华。 The project is nestled beside Green Island Lake, a 1,500-mu (approximately 100-hectare) ecological gem in the heart of Foshan City, Guangdong, China. Adhering to the philosophy of "Limited yet Boundless," design studio c.dd captures the essence of life, creating an enduringly vibrant living space.The design blends tranquility with nature, achieving a balance between physical functionality and spiritual serenity, elevating the living experience to new heights.   Every return home becomes a journey of spiritual rejuvenation. 居于此湖畔之滨,依水而安,业主心怀对自然 ………………………………

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