今天,#建议最近不要穿黄色衣服出门#的话题引发热议,有科普称黄色容易招虫子,真的是这样的吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. Why are the bugs attracted to the new yellow shirts of Norwich City? A) Because the color is similar to what they seek in flowers B) Because the color is brighter and more noticeable C) Because the fans are carrying food D) Because the shirts are made of oilseed rape flowers 2. Which colors do bedbugs prefer according to the study? A) Dark red and black B) Dazzling white and bright yellow C) Green and yellow D) Dark red and green 无注释原文: Football fans plagued by bugs after team switches to 'pollen' yellow shirts From: Daily Mail, 29 July 2010 Football supporters claim they have been plagued by insects since their team switched to brighter yellow shirts. Fans of Norwich City, known as the Canaries, say they were engulfed by swarms of black bugs as they walked home from a pre-season friendly. Now experts have revealed th