↑↑↑点击图片购票 Click for Tickets 0920 FRI. MOHSE ASIA TOUR XIAMEN Genres #deephouse #acid #techno Line-up 21:00-22:00 YANGYANG 22:00-23:30 H2 23:30-00:30 NADI 00:30-02:00 MOHSE 🇮🇷 02:00-03:30 ROSA LINDA Tickets 早鳥票 EARLYB ¥50 预售 票 PRE ¥70 現場票 Door ¥100 门票包含一瓶嘉士伯啤酒 One Free Beer Included 点击 此处 购票 Click HERE for Tix SPECIAL GUEST MOHSE 00:30-02:00 MOHSE从小就对电子音乐的律动着迷。他受 Timo Maas, Joe Danel等传奇电音大亨的启发,2004年开始活跃于地下电子音乐,以完美的技巧和独特的能量迅速成名。 ENG↓ Mohse’s passion for the pulsating sounds of electronic music ignited from an early age. Inspired by legendary DJs like Timo Maas, Joe Danel he started DJ’ing vinyl sets at underground clubs in 2004, quickly making a name for himself with his flawless skills and unmatched energy. MOHSE很快就在欧亚电音节上崭露头角。他将techno与progres