专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 5.9):截止2025年2月28日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-15 17:58


Water related carbon processes We are particularly interested in ecological, biogeochemical and socioeconomic processes that link carbon and water cycling in various systems. We welcome submissions exploring the dynamics, mechanisms and implications of the coupled water and carbon cycling processes in different systems. We also welcome studies from diverse perspectives or approaches, which include but are not limited to field investigations, remote sensing, statistical or physical modeling, and theoretical studies. Guest editors: Xinghui Xia, PhD Organization: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Email: xiaxh@bnu.edu.cn Shaoda Liu, PhD Organization: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Email: liushaoda@bnu.edu.cn Sibo Zhang, PhD Organization: Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong, China Email: sbzhang@gdut.edu.cn William H. McDowell, PhD Organization: University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA Email: bill.mcdowell@unh.edu Overseeing editor: Yuefei Huang Manus ………………………………

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