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花好月圆,相聚中秋 | 电机系&精仪系中秋节文化之夜

清华大学小研在线  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-10 22:21


          花好月圆,相聚中秋  电机系 & 精仪系中秋节特别活动 “佳期屈指到中秋,月饼团圆百印红”。中秋将近,月饼先行。为了让中外学子感受到中国传统节日的浓厚氛围,让全国各民族的师生交流各地不一样的中秋习俗,让两岸三地的同学们一齐感受中秋的团圆,电机系研究生会、研团总支将携手精密仪器系研究生会、研团总支于2024年9月15日19:00-21:00举办“花好月圆,相聚中秋”中秋文化之夜特别活动。 Coincided with the festival, in order to make the Chinese and international students enjoy the atmosphere of Chinese traditional festival, to help international friends further understand and perceive of Chinese culture, to promote understanding between each other, to make friendship closer between Chinese and international students, the graduates union of department of electrical engineering and the graduates union of department of precision i ………………………………

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