获取更多前沿期刊速递和精彩学术报告回放, 关注下方公众号👇🏻 01 会议信息 报告题目 Surface Design Strategies for Minimizing Interfacial Adhesion 报告嘉宾 Prof. Kevin Golovin 邀请人 王京 上海交通大学 副教授 报告时间 2024年7月17日 9:00-10:30 直播间链接 https://live.bilibili.com/h5/22019344 02 报告嘉宾 Kevin Golovin is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Mechanical & In-ustrial Engineering. Golovin holds degrees in material science and engineering from Cornell University and the University of Michigan. His research group investigates interfacial mechanics, coatings, surface modifiction, and sustainable methods for achieving solid and liquid repellency. His current research interests in-lude reducing microplastics release, sustainable chemistry, textiles, and smart materials, coatings, and sur-faces. He has published 100+ research articles, mostly in the fields of materials scien