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Call for paper (IF 14.0):截止2025年7月20日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-29 17:58


Innovative battery systems under harsh working conditions The Journal of Energy Chemistry is planning to launch a special issue on Innovative battery systems under harsh working conditions due to the increasingly significant role of secondary ion batteries in our lives. The special issue aims to collect original research and review articles covering the most recent advancements in the electrode and electrolyte design of advanced alkali metal/ion batteries under harsh working conditions. Works on related theoretical calculations and advanced characterizations are also welcomed in this special issue. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following: Advanced electrode design for long-lasting ultrahigh-energy-density battery systems; Electrode/Electrolyte fabrication for fast charging and wide temperature operation application; Advanced characterization techniques and theoretical analyses; High-voltage and deep discharge investigation Safety investigation and evaluation; Gues ………………………………

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