台州地阔海冥冥,云水长和岛屿青。三江口区域是灵江、椒江、永宁江的交汇处, 它不仅代表了台州文化的流传和汇聚,也承载着整合城市格局、聚合产业资源的使命。 The land of Taizhou is wide and the sea is boundless. The clouds and water are extended, and the islands are evergreen. The Sanjiangkou area is the confluence of Lingjiang River, Jiaojiang River, and Yongningjiang River, which not only represents the flow and convergence of Taizhou but also carries the mission of integrating the urban pattern and aggregating industrial resources. 「汇·合|三江未来城」台州三江口区域概念规划及核心区城市设计国际竞赛由台州市自然资源和规划局、椒江区人民政府、黄岩区人民政府、临海市人民政府主办,台州市三江新城开发建设有限公司承办,上海拾分之壹文化艺术有限公司协办。旨在征集能够展现台州产业、文化、生态和合气质