专栏名称: ACWA Power
ACWA Power impacts millions of lives by delivering power and water globally and leading transitions to a greener future.
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筑梦未来,职等你来!ACWA Power校园招聘进行中

ACWA Power  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-30 18:11


ACWA Power中国工作机会 校园招聘 ACWA Power以“安全第一、以人为本、追求卓越”为核心价值观,在协作、包容的团队中共同努力,实现客户、个人和公司的目标。我们欢迎年轻有为的小伙伴加入ACWA Power,探索属于你的职业机遇,由此开启全新的职业生涯。 找到符合你技能和兴趣的职位,发送中英文简历至我们的国内招聘团队,让我们一起点燃激情,共赴未来。 联系邮箱: campushiring@acwapower.com Science & Technology About Graduate Development Program: A world-class 2 year-long program for recent graduates that balances workshops and hands-on training, giving trainees the necessary skills and knowledge to take the first step in their professional careers by mentoring from ACWA Power's experts. Who are we looking for? Highly skilled professional who are up to the challenge and ready to change the industry landscape • National Young talents from top universities ………………………………

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