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天津市红桥区天津西站南片区(京津冀同城商务区一期)城市更新项目 | 荷于景观

景观设计小学徒  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-20 16:30


▲效果图, renderings 天津西站,作为“轨道上的京津冀”核心交通节点坐落于红桥区,是连接东北、华东、华南、西南、西北的全国高铁枢纽大站;而本项目区位优势得天独厚,正位于天津西站核心商务区一期范围内,是西站门户形象区,是核心中的核心。 Tianjin West Railway Station, as the core transportation node of "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on track", is located in Hongqiao District. It is a national high-speed railway hub station connecting northeast, East, South, southwest and northwest China. This project is located in the first phase of the core Business District of Tianjin West Railway Station. It is the gateway image area of the West Railway Station and the core of the core. ▲项目区位, Project location 从场地本身出发,多维度思考“引流”、“导流”及“驻流”的方式目的,提出以下五大核心策略。 Starting from the site itself, this paper considers the ………………………………

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