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荣耀完成股改 叩响上市大门; 经济放缓业务没起色 怪兽充电高管提私有化|双语资讯速览

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-09 17:30


01    荣耀完成股改 叩响上市大门     Its name implies glory, and for the last four years investors have been wondering when smartphone maker Honor – formerly part of tech giant Huawei – might finally seek such a spotlight in the financial world through an IPO. 自四年前从华为(Huawei)独立分拆出来后,智能手机品牌荣耀(Hornor)何时上市就成为关注焦点。 That waiting and wondering game may finally be nearing an end, with news that Honor was transformed into a joint-stock limited company at the very end of last year, on Dec. 28 to be precise. With that critical step, the company formally changed its name to Honor Device Co. Ltd., according to an announcement on its website. Such shareholding reform is a necessary step before an IPO, and can often signal that one is coming soon. 近日此事总算有眉目,荣耀在官网公告,荣耀终端有限公司已于2024年12月28日依法整体变更为股份有限公司,公司名称变更为“ ………………………………

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