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通知 ∣ ACC开放接收个人申请FACC (Fellow of the ACC)

心在线  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 16:30


通知 ACC始终坚信团队的力量,认为团队对于变革心血管疾病的管理有着不可或缺的作用。 为了听取更广泛、更多样的意见,ACC现在开放会员申请,即FACC (Fellow of the American College of Cardiology),面向在学业、专业成就和参与学院工作方面表现突出者。 无论你是临床医生、研究人员、科学家还是心血管团队的成员,ACC都欢迎你的加入。 Fellow of the ACC The ACC believes in the strength and the necessity of the care team model to transform cardiovascular care. To ensure a greater diversity of voices at the table, Fellowship is now open to those whose education, professional achievements and involvement in the College merit special consideration. The ACC invites clinicians, researchers, scientists and cardiovascular team members to apply for Fellowship in the ACC. 成为FACC将免费获得以下权益 1.获取JACC电子刊 2.提供有关您专业的最新信息的20多个临床专题集 3 ………………………………

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