基于大圆柱电池兼顾性能与成本优势,并采用创新结构设计,工艺实现具有一定挑战,互赢科技重点布局,2020年率先组建了“大圆柱电池装配线成套设备实验室,深入探索4680/4690/4695/46120等系列电芯的装配段工艺研究,先后与众多客户匹配了大圆柱装配段的工艺设备的验证,并实现了YW、GX、BYD、YJ、ZH、LS、LJ、WHDL、BF、GQ、WL等十几家客户的设备交付! Based on the performance and cost advantages of the large cylindrical battery, and the innovative structure design, the process realization has certain challenges. Therefore, Mutual Win Technology attaches great importance to this project. In 2020, the laboratory of complete equipment for large cylindrical battery assembly line was first established to explore the assembly process research of 4680/4690/4695/46120 series of cells. Mutual Win Technology has successively carried out the process verification of the