专栏名称: GISer last
GISer last 公众号 主要以分享互联网数据资源为主。也分享过GIS、FME等技术教程方法。我个人对于大数据资源、可视化制作、地图制图等方面有很大兴趣,也会分享个人的一些应用和教程。
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专题征稿:常规能源的低碳转型 | Engineering

GISer last  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 21:02


Call for papers Low Carbon Transformation for Conventional Energies 常规能源的低碳转型 Deadline for Paper Submission:  30 December, 2024 The special issue on  Low Carbon Transformation for Conventional Energies ( LCT 4 CE ) of Engineering aims to provide a platform for researchers and engineers from academia, industry, and policymaker to present the state-of-the-art research findings and engineering experiences in developing and applying novel technologies to challenge problems on low carbon transformation for conventional energies in the power generation, heating, and transportation industries. We are soliciting original high-quality research papers on specific topics that include, but are not limited to, the following: Topics of Interest Status and future development of LCT 4 CE The feasibility and roadmap of regional and global LCT 4 CE The formulation of relevant policies in LCT 4 CE The upgrading and replacement of existing power generation technologies Hydrogen and ………………………………

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