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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-24 20:43


近日,高考成绩陆续出炉。不少人开始在纠结着高考志愿填报,怎么选大学,什么专业好呢? 🤔️小作业: 1. What is the primary focus of the passage? A) The financial benefits of earning a college degree. B) The declining value of a college education. C) The comparison between different college majors' returns on investment. D) The skepticism of young adults towards higher education. 2. Why might students from low-income backgrounds be particularly skeptical about the value of a college education? A) They prefer to enter the workforce immediately. B) They believe the system is designed to benefit the wealthy. C) They are not interested in higher education. D) They have access to better career opportunities without a degree. 无注释原文: College is still worth it, research finds — although these majors have the lowest rate of return From: CNBC, MAR 14 2024 For decades, research has showed that earning a degree is almost always worthwhile. ………………………………

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