『 MUTUALIISM 』 9月5日,本周五Starboy2.0与KimKim两者的组合,希望从原始部落的祀歌到深山民族的回响,再到不再拘泥于风格,爵士律动的house到trance、techno再到激烈的hard dance。变化出神秘莫测的新颖旋律与瑰丽的感性节奏,蛊惑舞池进入奇幻的迷离境遇。 Starboy2.0,Aka Badboy2.0。日间身份信息不详,午夜DJ/派对组织WakeUP策划。丢失三次U盘后带来了全新版本2.0,不拘泥于风格,从爵士律动的house到trance、techno再到激烈的hard dance、土嗨丝滑切换,舞池杀手,混音手法天马行空。 Starboy2.0, also known as Badboy2.0. Daytime identity unknown, a midnight DJ and party organizer for WakeUP. After losing his USB drive three times, he has brought a brand new version 2.0. Unrestricted by genre, he seamlessly transitions from jazzy house rhythms to high-energy trance, techno, bass, hard dance, and even "TU HAI土嗨" . His mixing techniques are im