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2020迪拜世博会 I 芬兰馆

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-14 08:40


芬兰馆,由JKMM建筑事务所设计,是2020年迪拜世博会的一大亮点,旨在展现芬兰的自然、设计和创新精神。这座被称为“雪岬”的建筑的主题是“共享未来的幸福”,强调了芬兰对可持续发展的承诺和与自然的紧密联系,同时为游客们提供了难忘的参观体验。 The Finland Pavilion, designed by JKMM Architects, is a highlight of the 2020 Dubai World Expo, aimed at showcasing Finland's natural, design, and innovative spirit. The theme of this building, known as the 'Snow Cape', is' Shared Future Happiness', emphasizing Finland's commitment to sustainable development and close connection with nature, while providing visitors with an unforgettable visiting experience.  芬兰·2020迪拜世博会   Finland · 2020 Dubai World Expo - - - 芬兰馆的设计灵感来自芬兰的初冬风景,如同覆盖在大地上的一层薄薄的白色积雪。主入口采用传统的阿拉伯帐篷形式,将两种文化 ………………………………

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