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搭讪、偷拍、传视频,这套三连违法了!丨Be aware of chat-up video takers

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-11-30 16:01


Earlier this month, a young woman surnamed Yang and a male friend were meeting at a coffee shop in Tianjin when another man tried to chat her up and asked her for her WeChat ID. Yang politely turned down the man's request but a few days later she got to know that a video of her interacting with the man had been posted on a short video-sharing platform. Yang was furious as neither had the man told her he was making a video nor taken her permission before uploading the video. She left a comment under the video, asking for its removal, and even reported the matter to the platform's handlers. The account that posted the video was soon disabled. However, this is not an isolated case. Websites dealing in short-videos are replete with accounts that post such videos showing "how to chat up women". Their purpose is to post such videos for money.  Making anyone's video without their perm ………………………………

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