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新作|以“深时”艺术串联感官体验:武汉曲水兰亭度假酒店 / 对角线设计

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-06-28 09:30
人类体内的每个原子都来自几十亿年前的恒星,宇宙大爆炸的星尘组成了我们所有人。Every atom within the human bodyoriginates from stars that date back billions of years,as the stardust of the Big Bangforms the essence of our existence.△ 图片来自网络当我们说起“度假”时,想到的不仅是空间维度上的逃逸,也是时间维度中的游离。告别世俗与具体,穿越时空仰望星光,自由漫步于冰川与海洋、艺术与历史——不沉浸于过度饱满的感官轰炸中,而在人与人和自然、人与过去和未来的连接中,获得安定的幸福和持久的能量。When we talk about “vacation”, it entails not only escaping in terms ofspace but also drifting through time: Departing from the ordinary and thetangible, journeying through space and time while gazing at the starlight,freely wandering among glaciers and oceans, art, and history—discoveringserene happiness and lasting energy not amidst ov ………………………………

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