专栏名称: 中古史
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中古史  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-14 00:05


作者:【美】丁爱博(Albert E. Dien)、【美】南恺时(Keith N. Knapp)編,戴衛紅等譯 出版时间:2024/6 ISBN:9787522731278 出版社:中国社会科学出版社 The Six Dynasties Period (220–589 BCE) is one of the most complex in Chinese history. Written by leading scholars from across the globe, the essays in this volume cover nearly every aspect of the period, including politics, foreign relations, warfare, agriculture, gender, art, philosophy, material culture, local society, and music. While acknowledging the era's political chaos, these essays indicate that this was a transformative period when Chinese culture was significantly changed and enriched by foreign peoples and ideas. It was also a time when history and literature became recognized as independent subjects and religion was transformed by the domestication of Buddhism and the formation of organized Daoism. Many of the trends that shaped the rest of imperial China's histo ………………………………

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