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Creative Chaos: The Chinese Students Pushing the Limits

Sixth Tone  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-29 20:45


Pink performance, model noses, and a wholesale “home” — experimental art students at the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts embrace the unconventional in search of self-expression. When it comes to university majors with the most eccentric students, the experimental arts program at Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) would definitely make the list. Every year, up to 30 students are recruited to the major, which is under the School of Experimental and Sci-Tech Arts. Even the questions in the entrance exam are far from traditional, often touching on far-out concepts and topics. As a result, it’s known as the hardest class to get into at CAFA. Once enrolled, students feel as though they have entered a vast wilderness. In their first class they are asked to “teach” the department head and introduce what truly interests them. The course also has no fixed requirements, other than the pursuit of constant artistic experimentation for the purpose of self-expression ………………………………

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