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九言 | 如果没有光,我便是自己的光,照亮远方。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-08 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  8.8 如果没有光,我便是自己的光,照亮远方。 If there is no light, I am my own light, illuminating the distance. 有心的人,不管你在与不在,都会惦念。无心的情,无论你好与不好,只是漠然。走过一段路,总能有一次领悟。经历一些事,才能看清一些人。 A person with a heart, whether you are here or not, will always miss you. Heartless feelings, whether good or bad, are just indifferent. After walking a distance, there is always a realization. Experience some things in order to see some people clearly. 所谓见过世面,就是会讲究,能将就。 The so-called 'seeing the world' means being able to pay attention and make do with it. 人生三大幸事:与强者同行,与智者同频,与善者为伍。 The three great blessings of life: walking with the strong, keeping up with the wise, and being with the good. 一个人最大的愚蠢是习惯性反驳。只要 ………………………………

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