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印际首发 x WSD世尊设计丨「 TA 」不设限

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-11 17:17


作为一位时尚买手, Vivian 喜欢探索不同的风格,法式的浪漫优雅,中式的古典沉稳,嬉皮士的玩趣松弛,摇滚的先锋个性......对多元事物接收和容纳的广度让她对时尚始终饱含敏锐的触觉,同时有着自己独到的见解。 对于家,亦是如此。 As a fashion buyer, Vivian likes to explore different styles, such as the romantic elegance of French style, the classical calmness of Chinese style, the playfulness and relaxation of hippies, and the avant-garde personality of rock... The breadth of her acceptance and tolerance of diverse things makes her always have a keen sense of fashion and her own unique insights. The same is true for home. 在她的家里,能捕捉到轻法式、新中式、中古风,甚至一些西亚的异域风情的元素。而这些风格交汇在一起,我们便更真实地触达,原来居住于此的,是这样一个人! In her home, you can capture elements of light French style, n ………………………………

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