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【SSCI】教育学期刊《Art and Design Education》最新论文推送

人文社科论文速览  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-04 00:00


【SSCI】教育学期刊《International Journal of Art and Design Education》最新论文推送(2024年010月) 《International Journal of Art and Design Education》共31篇,祝大家阅读愉快。 《Autoethnographical Research on the Experience of Identity Change as an Artist, Teacher and Teaching Artist》 《艺术家、教师、教学艺术家身份变迁经验的自我民族志研究》 作者: Okhee Jeong 英文摘要: An autoethnographic exploration of identity formation raises the question of how individuals inhabit, negotiate, accommodate and resist the social groups to which they belong, continually coming to terms with who and what they are. This paper discusses, through this researcher's autobiographical exploration, the ways in which pedagogical discourse and practice produce identities that are constructed within the broader sociocultural context of arts education. As an art educator who has been learning and teaching in the Korean sociocultural context si ………………………………

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