当地时间20日,2026年米兰-科尔蒂纳丹佩佐冬奥会和冬残奥会口号揭晓—— “IT's Your Vibe” (图源:新华社) 口号的第一个单词“IT”是一个虚指代词,在这里也指代意大利 (Italy) 用一招“双关”把东道主融入了口号使得平平无奇的“IT's” 除了“这是……”的意思之外,还有了“意大利是……”的意思。口号中的“你”则让所有人成为冬奥会的主角,“Vibe”用中文则一词难表,可以指情绪、气氛、氛围、能量、风格…… The chosen slogan, "IT's Your Vibe," is said to embody the spirit of energy, passion and connection between people. The word "Your" underscores the idea that everyone plays a vital role in the Games, while the first word "IT" symbolizes Italy, integrating the host nation into the slogan and reflecting the identity of Milan-Cortina 2026. 米兰冬奥组委介绍,这是奥运会和残奥会历史上首次选用“可变化且可