专栏名称: 成方三十二
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成方三十二  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2025-03-03 21:16


2025年2月28日至3月1日,国际清算银行(BIS)在南非开普敦举行行长例会,中国人民银行副行长宣昌能出席。与会央行行长就国际经济金融形势、不确定环境下的货币政策应对以及央行对外沟通、全球经济走势分化背景下的金融条件变化及其对货币政策的影响等问题进行了交流。 Deputy Governor Xuan Changneng   Attends BIS Bimonthly Meetings The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) held its bimonthly meetings of Governors on February 28 and March 1 in Cape Town, South Africa. Deputy Governor Xuan Changneng attended the meetings and exchanged views with other participating central bank governors on recent global economic and financial developments, monetary policy and central bank communications in an uncertain environment, financial conditions amidst global divergence and their implications for monetary policy, along with other topical issues. (来源:中国人民银行) ………………………………

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