短视频平台上“钱”读成“米”,“万”读成“W”……今天,抖音副总裁对此作出回应。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What can be inferred about the relationship between income and happiness? A. Happiness increases indefinitely as income rises. B. People earning below $75,000 are generally unhappy. C . There is a threshold beyond which more income doesn’t significantly boost happiness. D. People in expensive areas have lower happiness levels than those in cheaper areas. 无注释原文: How to Make Your Financial Life Happier From: The Wall Street Journal Instead of setting an ambitious money goal in the new year, consider some smaller and more cerebral ways to make your financial life happier. According to an online survey that the personal-finance site NextAdvisor LLC conducted of nearly 3,000 adults in June, over half said they felt very or somewhat anxious about their finances. “People spend a lot of time talking about how t