【脚本:螺蛳粉 | 排版作:LNS】 本文为猫研所原创,谢绝任意转载 你是不是有过这样的好奇 我们出门上班不在家的时候 猫主子一整天都在做什么呢? 我们基于多项研究 推测出了猫咪一天的生活轨迹 下面由车车为大家倾情演绎一番~ 👇 【今日所长互动】 你家猫在家都干些啥? ////////// 参考内容: [1]Marine P , Sarah L , Benjamin A , et al. Accuracy assessment of spatial organization and activity of indoor cats using a system based on ultra-wide band technology[J]. Journal of Veterinary Behavior Clinical Applications & Research, 2017:S1558787817301193. [2]R. Dulaney D , Hopfensperger M , Malinowski R , et al. Quantification of Urine Elimination Behaviors in Cats with a Video Recording System[J]. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2017, 31(2):486-491. [3]Sterman M B , Knauss T , Lehmann D , et al. Circadian sleep and waking patterns in the laboratory cat[J]. Electroencephalogr