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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-24 20:30


据报道,1987年11月12日,中国内地第一家肯德基门店在北京开业,当时名叫“美国肯德基家乡鸡”。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. According to the passage, how have domestic fast-food chains in China strategically expanded compared to Western chains? A. By aggressively entering second and third-tier cities. B. By focusing exclusively on major metropolitan areas. C. By limiting their expansion to rural areas to maintain exclusivity. D. By primarily targeting international markets outside of China. 2. The phrase "the tables are turning" in the context of the article most closely means: A. The fast-food industry in China is becoming more diverse. B. Domestic fast-food chains are beginning to outperform their Western counterparts. C. Western fast-food chains are expanding rapidly in China. D. The competitive landscape in the fast-food industry is stabilizing. 无注 释原文: Chinese fast-food insurgents are beating McDonald's and KFC ………………………………

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