Coleman Nee Senior Economist, Quantitative Economic Research, ERSD, WTO Speech at the 5th CMF International Seminar on Macroeconomics ( WTO Headquarters,Geneva,Switzerland) Number of Texts:17200 words Viewing Time:43 minutes The article is for academic exchange only and does not represent the position of CMF. 延 伸 阅读 倒计时7天!报名现场参会:CMF年度报告(2024-2025)即将发布! 郭磊:发挥三大存量红利,以内需对冲贸易环境潜在风险 李迅雷:促进民营经济发展,公正执法与改革助力更重要 陈永杰:关于《民营经济促进法》和民营经济发展的若干看法 史晋川:立法应该明确界定民营经济概念 刘俊海:《民营经济促进法》的法治定位与制度完善