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英国实习 | Google谷歌开放2025实习,地点伦敦!

LeaderCareer  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2024-10-18 23:00


本文主要介绍了两个Google的实习岗位,分别是Analytical Consultant BS/MS Intern和User Experience Design BS/MS Intern的岗位介绍、工作内容、申请方式和要求。


关键观点1: 岗位介绍与申请方式

Google招聘的两个实习岗位,分别是Analytical Consultant和User Experience Design,工作地点都在伦敦,申请方式是通过Google官网进行申请,截止日期为2024年10月25日。

关键观点2: 岗位工作内容

Analytical Consultant岗位需要处理大数据集,将数据分析转化为实际行动,而User Experience Design岗位则需要设计直观易用的解决方案,与设计师、研究员、工程师和产品经理协作。两个岗位都需要实习生具备专业知识和实践技能。

关键观点3: 岗位要求与资质

两个实习岗位都要求实习生在教育背景、兴趣和技能方面满足一定条件。例如,Analytical Consultant要求具有媒体分析、广告销售等领域的实践经验或相关学位课程在读;User Experience Design则需要展示设计原则的作品集,并具有设计工具的使用经验等。

关键观点4: 广告信息



第一份岗位 Job Introduction 岗位介绍 招聘企业 :Google 岗位名称 : Analytical Consultant BS/MS Intern, 2025 工作地点 :London 工作类型 :I nternship 截止日期 : 25th October 2024 申请方式 : https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/113000751629771462-analytical-consultant-bsms-intern-2025 Job Description 工作内容 Being an Analyst at Google is about much more than simply crunching numbers – it’s about finding compelling insights within data and using your exceptional business and communication skills to translate those insights into action. As one of the masterminds behind Google's strategic planning, forecasting and analysis, Analytical Consultants spend their time digging into big, complex data sets. The data will not remain inert in their hands, however, they'll use their critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills to influence and drive thoughtful and well-informed decision making with our most seni ………………………………

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