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汪洋 | 论罗马法上的“潜在损害保证”

民法九人行  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-21 11:04


点击标题下「民法九人行」可快速关注 论罗马法上的 “潜在损害保证” —— D. 片段分析 汪洋 清华大学法学院长聘副教授 载费安玲主编:《罗马法与学说汇纂》 (原《学说汇纂(第3卷)》    一、D.拉丁文本及译文 拉丁文本:De his autem, quae vi fluminisimportata sunt, an interdictumdaripossit, quaeritur. Trebatiusrefert, cum Tiberisabundasset et res multasmultorum in alienaaedificiadetulisset, interdictum a praetore datum, ne vis fieretdominis, quo minus suatollerentauferrent, si modo damniinfecti re- promitterent. 英文译文:The question arises whether an interdict can be granted with reference to things which have been transported by the current of a river. Trebatius says that when the Tiber becomes swollen, and carries the property of some persons upon the premises of others, an interdict is granted by the Praetor to prevent violence from being employed against the owners of said pr ………………………………

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