中 国人民大学物理学系 Exotic ground states and excitations in triangular lattice quantum spin systems 2024年6月13日 20:00 蔻享学术 扫码查看精彩直播 // 嘉宾简介 汪臻涛 Zhentao Wang is a theoretical condensed matter physicist working at Zhejiang University. He got his Bachelor degree fom University of Science and Technology of China in 2010, and PhD in physics from Rice University in 2016. He worked as a postdoc at University of Tennessee from 2016 to 2020, and University of Minnesota from 2020 to 2022. His major research interest lies in the emergent collective phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems, particularly including quantum and classical magnets, spin liquids, fractional and topological excitations, and crystals of topological textures. His research highlights both theoretical prediction of quantum phenomena and close colaboration with experiments on guantum materials. 报告摘要 Triangular lattice spin systems have been studied since