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Telesurgery May Be Closer Than You Think

MedWorld器械世界  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2024-07-02 07:30


    Medworld器械世界为您提供准确、及时、有效的医疗器械行业及医疗圈的市场动态,产品信息,技术进展等资讯。 来源:MDDI Imagine having knee replacement surgery in Austin, TX, while your surgeon performs the operation from New York. The capabilities have already been proven in a cadaver study. Darren Porras, market development manager at Real-Time Innovations (RTI) talked about such capabilities during an MD+DI webinar on May 21, "From Open Surgery to Digital Surgery: How Robotics, AI, and Data are Shaping the Future of Healthcare." It might seem like telesurgery, or remote surgery, is still many years from having a real impact on healthcare, but that's not necessarily the case, according to Porras. "I would say we're closer than you think, which is exciting," he said. "...I think that there are certain applications that are more challenging than others." For example, Porras said soft tissue surgery is more challenging than orthopedic su ………………………………

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