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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-21 20:36


近日,综艺《种地吧》节目组发布招聘启示引发热议。目前,其官方微博粉丝数已暴跌数十万。 7月20日,节目组 回应称:没有人会拆散十个勤天,更没有人能阻止种地,我们仍会坚持对的方向,用我们的节目去带给更多人力量,我们也会和孩子们一起创造更多的传奇。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. Which of the following is NOT a theme highlighted in the show “Become a Farmer”? A) Responsibility and grit B) Dependence on food imports C) Abandoning arrogance and pampering D) Reforms in rural areas 2. What is the primary goal of the reality TV show “Become a Farmer”? A) To entertain viewers with the failures of city-dwellers trying to farm. B) To increase awareness about food security issues in China. C) To revive the love for farming and nature among young people. D) To promote the use of high-tech farming equipment. 无注释原文: A Chinese reality-TV show about farmi ………………………………

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