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BAM“人物专访”栏目第十九期嘉宾:Gianni Ciofani

BioactMater生物活性材料  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-12 17:00


BAM人物专访栏目 BAM“人物专访”栏目,带您了解科研人员的故事、期刊发展前景、学科进展等新鲜有趣的事情,欢迎关注! 第十九期,我们采访了BAM编委 Gianni Ciofani ,一起来听听他对科研的独特见解、对期刊发展的期待、 有趣的科研生活吧! 人物专访: Gianni Ciofani Gianni Ciofani Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic University of Torino, Torino, Italy Profile Gianni Ciofani (born in La Spezia, Italy, on August 14th, 1982), Ph.D., is Senior Researcher Tenured at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia -Italian Institute of Technology, IIT- (Pontedera, Italy; since 2019), where he is Principal Investigator of the Smart Bio-Interfaces Research Unit (since 2017) and Coordinator of the Center for Materials Interfaces (since 2021). He has been Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Torino (Torino, Italy; 2015-2019) and Visiting Professor at Waseda University (Tokyo, ………………………………

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