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股市崩盘后,为什么你还应该投资?| 经济学人财经

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 08:21


1 导读 导图作者: May Li ,我要去追逐心中的太阳,还要继续努力的亚古兽 2 精读|翻译|词组 Finance & economics | Buttonwood 财经| 梧桐树专栏 英文部分选自经济学人20241026期财经板块 Finance & economics | Buttonwood 财经| 梧桐树专栏 Investors should not fear a stockmarket crash 投资者应无惧股市崩盘 Take a long view, and shares are a lot less risky than many realise 股海沉浮心莫慌,长远视角风险降 Shareholders areenjoying one of their best runs in history. Since a trough last October the s  500 index of large American firms has risen by more than 40%; peers in Europe, Japan and Canada have all gone up by at least half as much. The fears of last year, that stubborn inflation would prevent central banks from cutting interest rates, keeping bond yields high and dragging share prices down, have all but vanished. In fact, many of the world’s monetary guardians have been slashing borrowing costs just as c ………………………………

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