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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-14 17:27


今年,你吃西瓜了吗? 图源:视觉中国 继榴莲、荔枝、樱桃后,西瓜也迎来了大降价,相关话题冲上热搜,引发网友关注。 Following price drops for durians, lychees, and cherries, watermelons have also seen a significant decrease in price. This topic quickly trended online, capturing the attention of many netizens. 据农业农村部数据, 今年第23周,也就是6月3日至6月9日这周,全国西瓜批发均价为3.63元/公斤,环比跌13.8%,为连续8周下跌。 相较于5月初5.6元至5.7元/公斤的批发均价,降价超三成。 According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, during the 23rd week of this year (June 3 to June 9), the national average wholesale price of watermelons was 3.63 yuan per kilogram, marking a 13.8% week-on-week decrease. This decline has been ongoing for eight consecutive weeks. Compared to the average wholesale price of 5.6 to 5.7 yuan per kilogram in early May, the price h ………………………………

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