昨天,巴黎奥运会乒乓球混双决赛,中国组合王楚钦/孙颖莎战胜朝鲜组合李正植/金琴英,夺得混双金牌。然而,赛后合照过程中发生了揪心的一幕,王楚钦的球拍被一位摄影师踩断了…… 今天,乒乓球男子单打32强赛,王楚钦对战瑞典选手莫雷加德。最终,王楚钦以 2: 4的比分 不敌莫雷加德,爆冷出局。 对此,王楚钦回应称,换球拍绝非今天输球的理由,是自己的发挥出了很多问题。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How does the author portray the reaction of Chinese fans towards the paparazzi? A) Indifferent B) Supportive C) Angry D) Understanding 2. What can be inferred about the playing style of Kim Kum Yong from the article? A) She uses a conventional paddle that is not popular among female players. B) Her unique choice of rubber on the paddle gives her an advantage. C) She frequently participates in international competitions. D) Her