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唤醒每个人曾经的青春美好 I 青春书局

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-09 08:40


©覃昭量 “你我十几岁,二十几岁的青春, 都有这样的冲动和理想,做这样的事,我想这样活。” ——安藤忠雄《青春展》 “如果提前了解你们的人生,不知你们是否,还会有勇气前来,看见的和听到的经常会令你们沮丧,可是如果有机会提前了解你们的人生,知道青春也不过只有这些日子,不知道你们是否还会在意世俗希望你们在意的事情。” You and I, in our youth of our teens and twenties, have such impulses and ideals. I want to live like this by doing such things ——Tadao Ando's "Youth Exhibition" If I had known your life in advance, I don't know if you would have had the courage to come forward. What I see and hear often makes you feel discouraged. But if I had the opportunity to know your life in advance, I know that youth is only for these days. I don't know if you would still care about the things that the world wants you to care about.  青春书局   You ………………………………

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