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谷行 x Neuendorf House | 马略卡的风与土

InTour 谷行  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-07 18:30


走着,你心里有没有把尺子,想着量量这条路究竟有多长。这条长长的跑道通向John Pawson和Claudio Silvestrin的杰作——Neuendorf House。它像是一座堡垒,四面都是坚固的墙壁,只有一条狭窄的缝隙将其打断。 Would you carry a tape measure in mind, to gauge how long this path is? That long, long path led to Neuendorf House, the renowned masterpiece by John Pawson and Claudio Silvestrin. A fortress-like structure with solid walls surrounded it, interrupted only by a narrow crevice. 厚重的墙壁看起来却有一种轻盈感,或许是因为它的颜色,粉色,将混凝土和西班牙土壤的色素混合。整个建筑似乎是从土地中生长出来的。墙像花瓣一样包围起来。 Those thick walls felt unexpectedly light, partly because of their pink color, a mix of concrete and Spanish soil. The whole structure seemed to grow from the land. With walls that enclosed it like petals, the house rose like a rose in ………………………………

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