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本周封面故事 | 《经济学人》年终特刊背后的故事

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-30 11:00


 1 写在前面 《经济学人》年终特刊制作过程充满挑战与趣事。 从北极采矿到性行为研究,记者们克服重重困难完成报道。 插图设计需要巧妙平衡,既要吸引眼球又不失品味。 一张图表竟囊括宇宙万物! 即便在战地报道繁忙之际,记者们仍坚持完成特刊任务。 有趣的是,记者们还巧妙地将个人兴趣融入报道中。 这期特刊展现了记者们的敬业精神和创意才华,值得一读。 2 精读|翻译|词组 Cover Story How we chose this week’s image The last few days of putting together the features for the end-of-year double issue are always a scramble. This year they fill 57 pages in the print edition. That is an awful lot of fact-checking, proof-reading and illustration-perfecting. My co-editor, Robert Guest, and I started putting the issue together in May, when the first email went out soliciting pitches from our journalists. So the rush might seem baffling. But it happens e ………………………………

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