专栏名称: 大气化学
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ES&T | 大气汞测量:当前的局限性和前进道路建议

大气化学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-11 22:59


Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury: Current Limitations and Suggestions for Paths Forward ( 由于标题字数限制, 中文标题为自翻,以原标题为准) Abstract Mercury (Hg) researchers have made progress in understanding atmospheric Hg, especially with respect to oxidized Hg (HgII) that can represent 2 to 20% of Hg in the atmosphere. Knowledge developed over the past ∼10 years has pointed to existing challenges with current methods for measuring atmospheric Hg concentrations and the chemical composition of HgII compounds. Because of these challenges, atmospheric Hg experts met to discuss limitations of current methods and paths to overcome them considering ongoing research. Major conclusions included that current methods to measure gaseous oxidized and particulate-bound Hg have limitations, and new methods need to be developed to make these measurements more accurate. Developing analytical methods for measurement of HgII chemistry is challenging. While the ultimate g ………………………………

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