编者按: 在不久的将来,欧盟委员会将就期待已久的标准合同条款( SCCs )模块进行磋商,该模块适用于向直接受 GDPR 管辖的第三国控制者和处理者进行的数据传输。这一举措对于解决跨境数据传输的复杂性。 The
Commission has already issued 4 modules of SCCs covering various
transfer scenarios. However, a key issue has emerged: if a data importer
is located outside the EEA but directly subject to GDPR, should SCCs
still be required? It has been argued that if the importer is already
bound by GDPR, SCCs might cause an inefficient duplication of
obligations, potentially creating confusion for businesses trying to
comply with overlapping legal requirements. 到目前为止,欧盟委员会已经发布了
4 个 SCC 模块,涵盖各种转移情况。【见 数据跨境流动 | 欧盟新版标准合同条款(最终版)全文翻译 】然而,一个关键问题出现了:如果数据进口商位于欧洲