专栏名称: Chestnut Studying
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Science Immunology丨Kupffer细胞逆向移入肝窦可减轻新生儿脓毒症和脑膜炎

Chestnut Studying  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-13 10:13


Chestnut Studying       摘要  In adults, liver-resident macrophages, or Kupffer cells (KCs), reside in the sinusoids and sterilize circulating blood by capturing rapidly flowing microbes. We developed quantitative intravital imaging of 1-day-old mice combined with transcriptomics, genetic manipulation, and in vivo infection assays to interrogate increased susceptibility of newborns to bloodstream infections. Whereas 1-day-old KCs were better at catching Escherichia coli in vitro, we uncovered a critical 1-week window postpartum when KCs have limited access to blood and must translocate from liver parenchyma into the sinusoids. KC migration was independent of the microbiome but depended on macrophage migration inhibitory factor, its receptor CD74, and the adhesion molecule CD44. On the basis of our findings, we propose a model of progenitor macrophage seeding of the liver sinusoids via a reverse transmigration process from liver parenchyma. These results also illustrate the imp ………………………………

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